Comment on Osama Bin Laden Conspiracy Theories by aaron fleszar.

My name is Aaron M Fleszar, and for the last several weeks I’ve tried getting people to read and understand some of what I’ve written online. For most, its way too complicated. On a number of blogs I made the mistake of trying to optimize for keyword phrases, which took away from the information I was revealing. There should be more than enough information online now for people to connect the dots. It’s important to get everyone’s attention by telling them about sites like this one.

The media is being heavily controlled in an effort to stop the story spreading about Obama/Osama and the New World Order. This is why I think the death of OBL story was released. I cracked Al-Qaeda’s code over 3 years ago. It was about 6 months before the presidential election. This is part of the reason why I know that everything regarding Sarah Palin is completely fabricated. There’s a reason why her family has such odd names. There’s also a reason why on her TV show it appeared that everything they did in Alaska was for the first time. Wouldn’t the group who wanted to elect Obama, be more likely to pull it off if they also decided who his opponent, or opponents, would be?

If you search who I am online and read about what I’ve written, you should also know that the Feds sorted out all of this before the election. Think if my theory is accurate Bush would hand over the presidency to his nemesis? Did you notice that immediately after Obama won the election, he completely disappeared for 2 weeks? When Obama reappeared and sat next to “senator” McCain for a photoshoot, did you notice how happy and refreshed McCain was? Did you notice how Obama had that sleep deprivation, cooperating with authorities, look on his face?

I also know that this story is considered embarrassing to intelligence agencies and the FBI who have been after Al-Qaeda for years. They claim that this information is a matter of National Security. Misusing the words national security all the time is a threat to our nation’s security. Avoiding the court systems, warrants, judges, trashing the constitution, and operating in an above-the-law capacity, is a threat to national security. Using the words national security, in exchange for the words job security, is a threat to national security. Turning people who are part of this organization in an effort to catch bigger fish, and catching bigger fish only to have unelected officials silence and manipulate elected officials, is a threat to national security. The American people want their freedoms and democracy back. Together we can restore the constitution before unelected officials begin using it as toilet paper.

The feds have recruited journalists, editors, and moderators, in order to control the media and suppress this story. Forums, blogs, and major media comment sections are being manipulated, altered, and deleted. Most comments on these sites are nothing more than misdirection. Anyone speaking negative about the administration, or poking holes in the Death of Osama Bin Laden story, are being immediately discredited, some by the FEDS and others by Al-Qaeda. Tell everyone about this site.

Commenting at major news sites isn’t spamming unless you’re selling something. Here are the best ways to get attention to this story.

First, email and text everyone you know and tell them about this website. It’s quick, easy, and simple.

Next, post questions at the biggest major media sites to all political stories. Ask if the person is part of the New World Order Conspiracy, or use Obama Osama Illuminati conspiracy. Comment on stories regarding Obama as well, he’s in the news an awful lot. Reply to the most viewed and most replied comments. This is America. Don’t ever be scared for a minute to speak out. When you see others drawing attention to this story or this site, support them online.

Simply reading this story is meaningless, unless you spread this information. Even if you don’t understand it all, if everyone begins to share it, actual journalists, maybe from outside the United States, will pick up on it and be able to expose it without being limited to a short little blog post. Spread the news today and help us take back our democracy, the constitution, and our freedom of speech.

Thank you,
Aaron Fleszar

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