Comment on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by ghetto v3t.

New world order is a fact. New world order is a conspiracy to control the world not just the USA. President Bush was in a secret organization known as the skull and crossbone society. That society dates back to the fifties. It is a communist organization. If you check the bloodline to all the presidents they all have royal bloodline to the british. Except for obama that is but even he has royal bloodline to the middle eastern muslim people. Obama is a communist and is still involved with president bush and the new world order theory. How do you explain the saying on all the bills of money that the u.s. have. Novus Ordo Seclorum actually means new world order so how do you explain why it is on all the U.S. dollar bills. Why was president bush with holding documents from the public view. Why is it that the U.S. sends billions of dollars to Israel as well as the terrorist group known as al qaeda this all is evidence in the new world order theory. How come we just were in a recession and then all the sudden we have all these government programs that are giving us free healthcare or free childcare it is because the oil line in irag is now finshed and in our power or at least the british government power. How can you explain that all the presidents walk on red carpet just like the queen of england does it is because they are royal bloodline. You shouldn’t ignore the signs or they will brain wash you and everyone in this world as we know it will be zombies to the government.

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