Comment on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by lele.

Well I think its real I mean there is too many facts showing its true cmon people global warming? Its a fraud to get us under control and haven’t you guys noticed the increase in military commercials we all need to wake up before its too late because they are slowly changing things in our faces and people don’t even take notice to it. Not just that they are doing experiments on soldiers and poisoning our foods. They even try to say mercury is good for you on the news when everyone knows its not, its sad because I’m 14 and I know more things then others.And theres more things I know but i’m not about to put it all down on here….

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IT is a hoax, the sun is the reason why our planet is heating up but not only ours ALL the planets are heating. Mabe HARP is the cause of stronger Typhoons and stuff, our planet been changing sence the …