Comment on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by David Webb.

This is in response to Jerry Said,

First of all I agree, yes there are conspiracies, but I can tell you this first hand. The US, C.I.A. and Special Forces did not train Al Queida. Ifyou based anything on history and fact you would learn that Al Queida literally means the base and refers to a location on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the resistance stood against the russians during the Russioan occupation of Afghanisatn. The base members of Al Queida were Egyptian Funded by Osama Bin Laden and were primarily influenced by the 6 day war than anything. Yes we did fund and train militants against the Soviets, but those militants were led by Massoud; who by the way was assassinated by Al – Queida on 9 September, 2001. Get educated dude. The answers are out there. We don’t need to make up theories.