Comment on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by Salpetre.

Hi everyone!

Ever wonder what made rich people so powerfull? haha easy, money…
U do not believe me?

I find it hard to believe…

Ever heard of the Rockefeller?? David? this one is not dead yet. He is the founder of the Trilateral Commision :)


Hmm there is a lot of info on wiki ( if trust it.. ) U have member’s name….

Sad to say, but about 11 people of obama’s administration are part of that commision…..

SO WHAT?!…..

Well Bush and many other hosted meeting of the some menbers in the withhouse….

MONEY MONEY MONEY…. yep… THE FED…. HEY what is that?! the Fed?
Yeah there the one basicaly letting the economy growth or fall… YEY, thats a lots of power in it?!

G20, ” A Monetary Reforme ” doesn’t ring a bell? anywhere? Hey they are changing our currency… yeap just like they did with breton woods sytem!

I’m not american, but if I were, I’d freaking wan’t my central bank to be audited…. Jesus WTF it the matter… They control you and they wont let you know what they are doing with your money…

HELLOOOoooOO!!! wake up, plz

If there is one man you have to listen at the momment Is RON PAUL… this guy is your answer…

BTW, it’s good to check both side before saying yes or no…
+ if they were planning anything like a NWO, they wouldn’t tell you, so how’d u know?

Easy plan….

Banks run the fed
Banks loan money to the borrowers
Banks run a secretive plan of a one currency world
Banks creates the collapse in the economy… preatty big as well…

And you put a very famous sentence on top of this that states that : create chaos to emplement a new order…. smth like that :)

There you go :) nice and easy

You still dont see it coming ;) hehe
bye bye now ;)

I feel sorry for you ;)

U can do just like TV wants you to think ! today I watched Heroes new episode called “1961” at a moment in the show somebody said to Dr. suresh : ” don’t make asumptions, not until you’ve heard the truth!…” do the same ok :D (21”10′)

bye bye now