Comment on Illuminati Conspiracy Theories by David Croffutt.

The Intellectuals as I call them, have really changed their view on conquest & empire. Back to empires like rome and greece collapsed becaues most of these were government, law, and military forces. Know it’s more of ecomonic and monetary power. The british empire was more of an Econominc power, than an military power. Mostly the british empire was imperial so they mostly use 2 types of colonialism. 1, settler colonialism; A large number of colonialists typically seeking fertile land to farm (ECOMINCS).2, Exploitation colonialism; Fewer colonialists intrested in extracting resources to export to the metropole, this includes trading posts, large colonies where colonists would provide much of the administration and own the land and other capital and relyed on the indigenous people for labour, (ECONOMICS). A colony is part of an empire and so colonialism is closey related to imperialism. The inital assumption is that colonialism and imperialism are interchangeable however, imperialism is the concept while colonialism is the practice. Colonialism is based on a imperial outlook thereby creating a consequential relationship between the two. Through an empire, colonialism is established and capitalism is expanded (ECONOMICS), on the other hand a capitalist economy naturally enforces an empire. Marxists views colonialism as a form of colonialsim, enforcing exploitation and social change. Working within the global capitalist system, colonialism is closely associated with uneven development. It is an instrument of wholesale destruction, dependency and systematic exploitation producing disorted economies, socio-psychology disorientation, massive poverty and neo-colonial dependency. Colonies are constructed into modes of production. They search for raw materials and the current search for new investment opportunities is a result of inter-caplitalist rivalry for capiltal accumilation. Imperialism is the creation and maintenance of an unequal economic, cultrual and territorial relationship, usually between states and often in the form of an empire, based on domination and subordination. Imperialism in many ways is described as a primarialy western concept that employs expantionists-capitalists-an latterly communist-systems. Imperialism is considered the control by 1 state of other territories. There are 2 types of imperialism. 1, diret imperialism; Political or military means the imperial power to take over governments of a selected territory. 2, indirect imperialism; An economic process in which the concerned regions is offically self-governing but linked to the imperial power by unequal trade realtions. During the war for american independence, the british’s first move was direct, using military forces, but then some time after they used an indirect move like the british imigration & the industrial revolution, and the federal reserve,and all this, every short time gaps between them.

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Illuminati Conspiracy Theories

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