Comment on Common Purpose Conspiracy Theory by Eric Trist.

Thesis – New World Order (dissemination of information on NWO including death camps, brain chips, Limits to Growth, alien invasion/Project BlueBeam-Greenstar, comets, Nibiru, etc.)

Effect: people frightened to high level of suggestibility.

Antithesis – Anti-New World Order (dissemination of information on NWO including death camps, brain chips, Limits to Growth, alien invasion/Project BlueBeam-Greenstar, comets, Nibiru, etc.)

Effect: people frightened to high level of suggestibility

Intended Synthesis – Fascistic Communitarian New World Order – the Patriarchy has been dying for centuries! – the elite knows this (people previously frightened to high level of suggestibility will run lovingly into arms of New World Communitarian Order – Mother State.)

Effect: Social Turbulence. People comforted. Power elite retain their dominance over human race via Networked Societies a la CP (“… a thousand points of light… “)

Then “The Culling” begins.

You have been played.

Missing variable: Transcedent nature of the human being. The elite will fail as the veil slips.

Everybody wakes up and realises how stupid they are/were.

The Killing Joke in this Divine Comedy.

The LOLocalypse. The End.
