Comment on Common Purpose Conspiracy Theory by Niki Raapana.

Common Purpose is a communitarian organization. It fits perfectly into the methods used to “shore up” people’s moral, social and political environment. All global citizens must be taught their new responsibilities for global citizenship.

Common Purpose is but one of the thousands of global organizations created to “teach” us all to evolve into compliant communitarians. The goal of all these training centers is the same. Groups as diverse as the Copper River Watershed to Common Purpose in the UK all share the same philosophy. They all concern themselves with helping us become more enlightened citizens for a sustainable future.

In the USA we have the Communitarian Network. To understand this Common Purpose conspiracy all you need to do is read all 30 books written by the founder of the network, the self-described “guru” Dr. Amitai Etzioni.

BTW, Communitarianism offers zero returns at this website. Nobody’s supposed to talk openly about the philosophical values driving all this necessary human change training. It’s all too verifiable.