Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Barristan Selmy.

The one problem with the lunar hoax is that there is not a single scientist, or aerospace engineer who supports it. To them, you idiots are a joke, like fundamentalists who ignore every bit of science that disagrees with their literal interpretation of the bible. All that your theories prove is your complete lack of basic scientific knowledge. Ultimately this makes debunkings pointless since you lack the basic knowledge to understand them and will simply accuse the person of being a NASA stooge.

One person mentioned the possibility of the government using threats against the media to keep them silent. The problem with this is that our president during the moon landings was Nixon, one of our more amoral commander in chiefs, and even he could not keep the watergate conspiracy silent. That conspiracy, was much smaller than what would be required for the moon landing. Also, what about media outside the United States and even in the USSR, are we supposed to believe that the government threatened them as well.

If you really are as open-minded as you claim you can find a detailed debunking by an aerospace engineer at .

Oh, and as a fan of James Bond, I should probably mention that the book Diamonds are Forever does not mention anything about the moon or a moon buggy at all.