Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Terry.

All of you Moon landing “skeptics” have clearly devoted hours and hours of time poring over the conspiracy angle. How much time have you actually devoted to researching the Apollo program or, good gravy, familiarizing yourselves with basic physical science principles? If you would simply spend half as much time learning something useful about the space program rather than accepting, without ctitical analysis or technical knowledge, the absurd claims my by hoax enthusiasts, you’d be able to answer your own preposterous questions.

And to clarify a peculiar attitude advanced by a number of you, the burden of proof IS on YOU. YOU are challenging the historical record, so YOU have to make YOUR case. Since you can’t come up with a challenge that cannot be easily addressed by applying the most fundamental scientific analysis, you have no proof of a hoax and you never will.

Here’s the thing. The Soviets were the best at working conspiracies. Why didn’t they fake a landing before we did? If I follow your reasoning, there really was no Cold War and the USSR was in cahoots with the USA to expose the shortcomings of soviet communism! That’s why the Soviets didn’t rat us out. Yeah. That must be it.

The security around Apollo Program was nothing like what went on during the Manhattan Project. Just go to the library and look at how many news articles from the early- and mid-1960s follow the progress of the project. Oh, wait. All of the nation’s newspapers and their employees were in on the conspiracy, too.

In fact, to pull off this hoax, every citizen of Earth, except American taxpayers, was in on it.

Can you see why this whole conspiracy angle just doesn’t make it? Science, common sense and rational thinking simply undercut the entire premise. Let it go.

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