Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Nic Beevers.

To all you conspiracy nuts..So what would you constitute as proof then.
Answering all of the points made above? – been there, done that. Science to prove it. There are credible answers for all the so called “evidence against” points, but you choose not to believe them.
A photo from Hubble? – couldnt that be faked. No doubt that would be the claim
Going back there? – if we can fake it once then we can fake it again.

Face it. You just dont want to accept the truth. There is not one unchallengable argument against you can come up with. But for all the evidence that we did go to the moon you still cant believe.

The most telling bit about the validity of the landing is this. Three men went into space. Thousands of people saw the launch. If they didnt go to the moon, where did they go?
Its not very easy to hide when there is nothing to hide behind. There must have been hundreds of tracking stations on earth watching them. Soviets, Chinese, etc. So why didnt they say, “hold on, we followed you and you just did a couple of spins round the earth and came back.”

Any answers?