Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Steveuk.

Baratacus makes a strong argument. Why the sudden loss of ability to make this happen today when it was so easy and faultless back then. I know mankind can literally move mountains when it wants to, but it takes many attempts with loss of life before success is achieved on the grand ideas.

We our only just plumbing the deepest oceans with crewed submarines where pressure is the biggest danger and the distance is measured in meters. Yet we are expected to believe that we have been to the moon through the vacuum of space a journey of thousands of miles, beyond the earths protection from the violence of the sun, to a cold lifeless rock, where we jump about, drive cars that we brought with us and then head home with large payloads of rock. Making sure we just hit the atmosphere at the correct speed, angle etc so as not to ruin the day in a fiery ball. I really don’t think so….

Forget the pictures and evidance and look at it logically. We just couldn’t do it then, we still can’t do it now.