Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Joel Bainerman.

How does NASA explain how the small little capsule- minus all the rockets that were needed when launched from the earth’s atmosphere- left the Moon’s atmosphere- and- targeted itself so that it would know exactly where to land when it reentered the earth’s orbit? What fuel load took the capsule that we saw on the moon all the way back to earth- and be able to land exactly off the ocean of Cape Canaveral? What was used in the capsule to “steer” the space craft back to earth? How is it that they could land the craft right there so close to Cape Canaveral?

Also, wouldn’t then have needed satellites to send a photo all the way back to earth. Even today- without a satellite- you can’t send film across the ocean. Was there actually a direct link between the signal that the astronauts were sending out- video as well as voice- were actually travelling all the way back to earth- on their own? Without an satellite relay link? How is that possible?

Joel Bainerman
Jerusalem, Israel

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Apollo Moon Landing Hoax

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