Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Arindam.

Just a few observations:

1) The onus is on NASA to refute each and every argument challenging the moon landings. This may seem strange, but the logic is quite clear: I can make a dozen arguments arguing that NASA never put a man on Mars. Even if eleven of those twelve arguments are false – only one correct one is sufficient to demonstrate that NASA did not put a man on Mars.

The same principle holds true of the moon landings.

2) There is a tendency of those defending NASA to use ad-hominem or ad-personam attacks; those questioning NASA tend to be more polite. It seems that the former are somewhat insecure.

3) A question that continues to puzzle me: why didn’t the Soviets put a person on the moon? Even if the Americans had put the first man on the moon, the Soviets could have had the glory of putting the first woman on it.

4) Final point: there are two distinct points that need to be proved:

a) Whether NASA could land a man on the moon in 1969.

b) Whether NASA did land a man on the moon in 1969.

b) presupposes a) – but proving a) does not prove b).

I suppose this post is rather boring… sorry for taking your time.