Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax by Dedonarrival.

As a newbie to this subject I thank everyone for their fascinating posts. Armed with this new knowledge, I am thrilled at the prospect of how many people I can really piss off.
The points that particularly intrigued me were:
1. the solar flare fx on astronauts and the basic shielding required.
2. Russia giving up developing a one man lunar landing project yet America proceeded with a three man crew and the kitchen sink.
3. the Only in America Folks! aspects of all conspiracy theory the high fatal accident rate of astronauts, Alldrin’s breaking down episodes, NASA,s administrator resignation and the loss/destruction? of all ML deevelopment material.
4. Stargazers excellent unique post and the tiny yet utterly significant detail of the film manufacturer not exploiting his products moon landing contribution.

Again many thanks to all who contributed to both sides of the discussion.