Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – More Photographic Proof by baconcow.

For all of those people who do not understand why the flag is moving, it is simple dynamics. They all say wind is needed to move the flag. Why would you think that? As the flag is being moved by the astronauts, the lack of an atmosphere reduced the resistance on the flag. The flag has momentum from the astronauts who moved it. Get your minds away from your “no wind” ideas. If someone spins you around in space, like the astronauts did to the flag pole, you would move for a while too.

About the shadows not being parallel. Come on, you never heard of perspectives before? If the ground is flat, yes, the shadows from a single light source WILL be parallel. But how on Earth (no pun intended) will shadows APPEAR parallel when the ground itself (near the lunar lander) is not parallel to the foreground shadows.

I believe the landing was real. I can NOT prove it nor do I want to even attempt to prove it. However, I can state evidence against the dumb hoax myths. These things have even recently been shown as fake myths on TV. It will always be one word versus another. For every piece of suspected hoax belief is a piece of evidence supporting the landing. There are only a few people that know 100% whether the landing was real or not: the Apollo crew who supposedly landed.