Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – More Photographic Proof by Sophie.

It really is just a matter of opinion, no one side could ever really prove that the moon landings did/didn’t happen.

But, it’s one of the very few genuinely amazing events that possibly (and in my eyes did) happen. Why have such a cynical view?

To those who dont believe the moon landings occured, i ask: Why did they proceed with another 6 missions after apollo 11? Why not stop after 1, the point was proved, no? NASA consisted of some of the smartest people in the world, don’t you think they would have really thoroughly scrutinized their images etc. if it was all fake? Why wouldn’t anyone who knew it was fake now admit it? How come all the astronauts’ lives have been changed so dramatically sinse (surely they didn’t just randomly become alcoholics/recluses etc..)? If we are going to make up moon landings, why stop there? If it was hoaxed, NASA have risked a hell of a lot, I mean, if it was found out to be a hoax, the whole world would be in uproar, would they really risk that?

I think the basis on which people claim it was all a hoax is pretty damn poor. Nevertheless, I suppose we all have opinions. I don’t think anyone should get too worked up on it however, I mean, like I said, no one can PROVE that it was all a hoax – its a matter of opinion :)