Comment on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by Smith.

Oh how we all love a good conspiracy,

I agree with some of the info on the N.W.O but i do know that some things are in place to reduce the worlds population, mainly through disease that has been wiped out for over 100s of years, like the epidemic, there has been lots of interesting diseases that have been believed to have been phased out that have just came back. I believe they are testing how people would react because the worst is yet to come.

As for the Illuminati, not many people ever heard of it until the book and movie “angels and demons” came out. They weren’t a terror organization, they were people who opposed the catholic church and tried to bring it down from the inside because during that time the Catholics were going on a rampage burning non believers accusing them of being heretics not to mention the churches corruptions forcing people to buy pieces of paper so that they would go to heaven. Back to the point The Illuminati have been phased out and the Catholic church did a great job at wiping out all evidence, apart from the actual symbol it self.