Comment on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by God Serving Lady here.

IF U HAVE THAT KIND OF ATTITUDE….. BUT THAT IS U…. There are some of us out there in the world who WILL do something about it and fight back til the end and GOD WILL WIN, as always. LOL

It is everyone’s duty, to educate themselves and then, go out into the world and educate others. Get real here people. This is serious and it may seem bizarre. Do you think they are going to come out and tell you the truth? LOL…. They know their plan and schemes would be destroyed then. hahaha Of coarse, the enemy is going to lie, trick, be deceitful and sly. U want a real wake up call missy? Start thinking about every thing u eat and drink, what is in the water u bathe with, what is in the foods we buy everyday,… have u ever looked at the barcodes on every item we purchase? The 666 is there and part of it may be hidden but they are there under the barcode. Have u ever paid attention to what GOD has told us all these years? Have u ever stopped to think the real reason they are pushing the cashless society? They have already let people put chips in their pet’s body under their skin and those of u who have done this? SHAME ON U AND MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON U! YES, I SAID SHAME ON U AND U WERE WRONG TO DO SUCH A THING! The cloning of humans? Yes, it is real! In some parts of the world, they have already put chips into people’s hands or bodies to control and monitor them. Have u ever gotten a flu shot? I promise you; you got more than the flu shot!!!!!!!!!! Fluoride in water for our teeth? It is killing us! That is right. Sounds too far fetched to believe and that is what they want you to think and believe. THE GOVT is the reason why our world is in the mess it is in now. YES, it is and now they are behind the NEW WORLD ORDER and along with some very big organizations. Do the research yourself…. Bet you have a tv too. All of this and more, we should be out there trying to educate other people in the world. If u want to sit there and complain, and not do anything… go ahead…. swallow their lies and let them control u. But I for one, will stand for what is right and truth, for GOD. Do this… Get on and google NEW WORLD ORDER and read, research, see the news videos and pay attention to the speeches these people in high places try to feed us.. We all need to wake up and do something now…. not later but NOW…..

May GOD open your eyes soon.

More Comments on New World Order Conspiracy Theories by God Serving Lady here

New World Order Conspiracy Theories

YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS FULL OF THE CRAP AND OBVIOUSLY, THEY HAVE U BRAINWASHED. U will be the very one to swallow their lies and bow down to them and be their little puppet …

New World Order Conspiracy Theories

Well, you cannot convince me that the GOVT. is not behind all this NEW WORLD ORDER. They are as crooked and evil as the hell pit they came from. Everyone of them in the …

More Comments by God Serving Lady here

New World Order Conspiracy Theories

YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS FULL OF THE CRAP AND OBVIOUSLY, THEY HAVE U BRAINWASHED. U will be the very one to swallow their lies and bow down to them and be their little puppet …

New World Order Conspiracy Theories

Well, you cannot convince me that the GOVT. is not behind all this NEW WORLD ORDER. They are as crooked and evil as the hell pit they came from. Everyone of them in the …