Comment on Apollo Moon Landing Hoax – Scientific Evidence by George.

The luner lander was in a orbit around the moon. So it must have been going along at a very high rate of speed. Then it entered into a free fall with no air or friction, to slow it’s decent,making it fall even faster. This thing had no wings,and they would have been useless anyways, without air drag friction. So this thing has no glide path (zero). The luner is in a orbit falling like a bullet shot from a gun pointing at the horizon. Then it leaves orbit into a deeper dive. Now this thing is falling like a rock. At a speed of about five times as fast as a bullet. How far above the moon are they? Figuring the speed and the distance. Within a blink of an eye it would have crashed into the moon. It’s that simple. Years before the missions. They crashed all kinds of probs onto the moon. All the so called new high res pic’s. Show me little more than the older pics. Then you have the orbiter that maped the surface of the moon. If it did that. Wouldn’t it have picked up the luner lander abnormality? Even today if I saw a pic of the lander. I wouldn’t believe it. They’ve have had how many years to crash something looking like a lander up there? OK your not convinced yet. Whats it’s weight? Plus men, space suits, fuel, cameras, equipment. It took an Apollo rocket to lift it into orbit. Earths G is about 3 x that of the moon. So one could presume. To counter the G force of the moon. You would need, a little less then 1/3 of the amount of fuel that the apollo needed to put it into orbit. There is no way, the luner lander carried that much fuel. Solid or liquid. It was a nice fairy tale. But time always tells the truth. Our Gov lied about exp on humands, lied about wars, lied about vacines, lied about drugs given to our troops. This was just another day for them. Ya they put something up there, but it sure is nowhere near the moon. The earth yes.